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Landschaften: Irland


Cliffs of Moher (1)

irl02                  irl03

(2)                        Cliffs of Moher                         (3)

eir51   eir52

Cliffs with lighthouse                                 Cliffs of Moher                        Cliffs with lighthouse (sw)


Lough Corrib (1)


Lough Corrib (2)

irl06   irl07

(1)                                               Lough Mask                                                 (2)

irl08   irl09

(3)                                               Lough Mask                                                 (4)


Lough Mask (5)

eir56   eir57

Trees and Clouds                                          Joyce Country                                 Stonewalls and Clouds

irl09   irl10

     Irische Schafweide                                  Waldformation am Lough Mask


Irischer Frühling (Clonbur)

irl12   irl13

Schafe am Ufer des Lough Mask                                                 Irische Pferde auf der Weide

irl14   irl15

Weg zum Lough Coolin (Clonbur)                                           Berglandschaft am Benlevy

irl16   irl17

                Joyce Country                                                      Twelve Bens (Connemara National Park)

eir53   eir54

As Years Go by                          Joyce Country                       As Years Go by (sw)

eir55   eir56

Lough Nafooey                                                                                    Security

eir57   eir58

   Landscape near Lough Mask                                              Landscape at Bealanabrack River

eir59                  eir60

         Farbe                             Poulnabrone Tomb                    Schwarz-Weiß   


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